I am a strategic director and creative leader. I am a multi-disciplinary theatre artist and poet.
I believe all the world’s a stage — and we can always re-imagine the show.
I like big ideas and people who are curious. I want to know more about you.
Here’s what’s new:
Liz is currently Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives at The Idea Village, a non-profit that cultivates entrepreneurship through a “venture ecosystem” to drive transformative economic development across the Gulf South. Our accelerator programs, strategic industry focus on Culture Tech and Climate Tech, and annual city-wide convening through New Orleans Entrepreneur Week drive our year-round activities. Check out the Big Easy Ideas podcast here, hosting conversations at the intersection of Innovation x Culture.
Explorations into the frontiers of cultural research x cultural practice led to an experiment during the Fall 2024 election cycle: PSA4KAMALA. Contemporary social science research on the culture wars was used as the basis for artistic engagement to create a brief "Public Service Announcement” video and help #GOTV. Read about the experiment & future cultural research/practice visions here.
In 2022, Liz graduated with a Master of Public Administration program from the University of New Orleans. Her capstone project — In It Together: Measuring the Effectiveness of Cross-Sector Partnerships for Emissions Reduction — is a proposed methodology to evaluate how collaborations within a designated geography can meet stated climate action goals, with a special focus on New Orleans as a focused case study.