Artist Statement

I want to create poetry in Time and Space. 

I want to make work that is colorful, vibrant, alive. I want my work to be filled with pointed questions and boundless curiosity. I want to make work that represents diverse voices and fresh perspectives.  I want to make work that is beautiful and elegant, simple and intentional. 

I believe that humans make art when they want to understand something. 

Art happens when you're trying to work something out, and the everydayness of your life is no longer enough to help you investigate an idea.   For me, this happens all the time.   I don't know what it is really like to be human.  I don't think any one person can know, completely (#Zenelephantstory).  I think our collective posit is more true than any singular guess. 

I like to work in collage, because that form makes sense to me. 

I believe that we each hold a piece of this puzzle. I like to piece together other people's experiences of what it means to be human, because this gives us as humanity the most information.  Our collective consciousness is our group library, humanity's archive on  "What it's like to be a human being."  And so we draw from this every time we want to know something or think we have something to add.  believe that listening to new ideas is the only way we'll ever learn anything new about the world. 

I believe that the world is a perfect example of collectively, what we think it should be. 

I believe that we're creating this world as we go, moment by moment. You can tell we think it should be this way because it is this way, and we all did that.  Nothing is pre-determined here; we always have infinite choice. If we want the world to be something else, we should make it so.  

I want to know this world by experience.

What is it really like to be alive? Some days, I feel that I don't know anything about this. Both my own personal existence and the existence of human kind is ridiculous and wonderful and absolutely absurd. I want to discover what it means to be a human being, and to keep finding questions that have no answers.  I believe in mystery.  There is more. There is more than we know. There is more than we can know.  And I find this delightful.   

I want to investigate why human beings make art.  

I want to know how art affects our lives.  I want to engage across the spectrum of art-making, to  understand why cultures across time and space have continued,  despite everything,  to make art.  And I deeply want to participate in this dialogue: to absorb information from other cultures, and to reconfigure to make it to reflect and contribute my own thoughts based on my own unique position as a 21st century American. 

This is what the world is like for me. I am an artist. 

I believe the best work I can do is  take in how the world is for me,  try to listen as objectively as I can to  how the world is for you,  and put something back out that maybe  helps us both  understand a little bit more about everything.

"As an artist, I seek to create work that is profound, funny, smart, epic, and relevant. I have an unending fascination with human beings: how human beings cope with being alive, how and why individuals turn themselves into groups (socially, politic…

"As an artist, I seek to create work that is profound, funny, smart, epic, and relevant. I have an unending fascination with human beings: how human beings cope with being alive, how and why individuals turn themselves into groups (socially, politically, and spiritually), and the many diverse ways this occurs in cultures all around the globe. I strive to make work that is deeply personal, culturally specific, and at the same time touches upon the universal."